Joe L. Alexander
String Scores
Homage to Bach for unaccompanied cello
Partita #5 for unaccompanied viola alternate 2nd Mov't
Partita #7 for unaccompanied violin recording
Cinco pour Fünf: Partita #8 for unaccompanied cello
Sipsey Sweet for unaccompanied guitar recording
Bayou Sketches for guitar and cello
Ce cE ceLLo for cello and sound file recording
Guin Suite for two violins recording
Magnetic Refraction for guitar and cello
Soundscapes for guitar and sound file recording
String Trio for violin, viola and cello
Forestasia Fantasy for violin, cello and piano recording
Brewing Suite for guitar quartet recording
Accidental Traveler for string quartet
Centrifugal Force for string quartet recording
On the following pages, you will find many of my
original compositions. You are welcome to
download them. All I ask is that if you perform
one of them, please send me a program.