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On the following pages, you will find many of my original compositions. You are welcome to download them.  All I ask is that if you perform one of them, please let me know and I will help with publicity.  After your performance, please send me several programs via snail mail or as an email attachment.  As a member of Broadcast Music, Inc (BMI), I report performances to them.


By using this method, we both win!


I am in the process of updating my scores with my new address. It will take time. Please send programs to:

          Dr. Joe L. Alexander                  or email me at:   or

           9 Kankakee Trail

           Palm Coast, FL 32164


Choir Scores                            High Brass Scores                    Large Ensembles                  

Low Brass Scores                    Low Brass Ensemble               Misc. Scores           

Mixed Chamber Score           String Scores                             Woodwind Scores 



Vocal Score




* Recordings of these pieces can be found by

clicking on the word recording. (after the title)


I am performing Infamy... at the 2009 National Association of Composers, USA National Conference, Chowan University, Murfreesboro, North Carolina.

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